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Roxy is our female Raccoon. Her mother had her and her littermates in an attic of a home, and she somehow got trapped in one of the walls. The homeowner had to break into his drywall in order to get to her, and saw right away that her left hind foot was injured, and she had a gash across her stomach. So he took her to a rehab who deemed her non-releasable due to her injuries. She was brought to us, and we immediately took her to our veterinarian, and it turns out her foot was dislocated, and she had broken most of the bones in it. We had the veterinarian reset the dislocation, and we allowed the bones to heal on their own. Nowadays, you would never know that she had ever had any injuries at all!


Rascal, our male Raccoon was a “rehab fail” as he imprinted on his rehabber and lost all fear of humans, so he could not be released into the wild because he would of walked up to anyone and therefore would have a high probability of being euthanized.  


When Rascal and Roxy met they fell madly in love, just like any good love story. To this day, they eat, sleep and play together, with a more successful relationship than most humans!


ORDER: Carnivora           
FAMILY: Procyonidae       
GENUS: Procyon               

The raccoon is native to North America and parts of Mexico and Canada. In the 20th century, it was also introduced to Russia, Germany and Japan. They are able to live in a wide range of habitats, from cold grasslands, to warm tropical areas. They do need to be close to water, this is one of the animals that lives quite well in our urban areas, but being nocturnal, you will rarely, if ever, see them. Related females share common areas, while unrelated males live in small groups together. Raccoons are normally nocturnal, but may sometimes be active during the day to take advantage of available food sources. They are omnivores, and what they eat depends greatly on their environment. They commonly eat fruits, nuts, berries, rodents, frogs, eggs, insects & crayfish and in urban areas garbage. Raccoons are promiscuous. They breed February to June, have a 2 month gestation and the female gives birth to 4-5 kits. Weaning occurs at 70 days. Raccoons are so smart they have been known to pick a lock in fewer than 10 attempts. They can solve problems and remember solutions.


Disease from domesticated animals. Human trapping. Cougars, coyotes, bobcats and car accidents.

Conservation Status

LC - Least Concern

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