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Pig Sarah Jessica Parker.heic


SARAH JESSICA PORKER joined us in February 2015 when she was just 15 weeks old, brought over by a neighbor who claimed she was a “teacup” pig—meaning she would remain small. They couldn’t have been more wrong! Now, Sarah is a gorgeous 150 lbs. and is proud of her size, owning her role as “large and in charge.”

Twice, we’ve tried to spice up her life by introducing male pot-bellied pigs in hopes of finding her a companion. However, she made it crystal clear in no uncertain terms that neither of them would be staying at Animal Tracks. With a mix of snorting, posturing, and chasing them out of her house, she proved that dating apps are definitely not her thing.

Sarah isn’t a fan of her quarterly pedicures either, but we have a smart vet who has figured out a way to get the job done. While Sarah is eating, the vet quickly flips her upside down to trim her hooves before she even knows what’s happening. It keeps her in tip-top shape because, without the pedicures, her nails would grow too long and cause her pain.

Sarah’s favorite pastime is roaming the compound, hoping to find some leftover scraps, especially after a monkey gathering. She also loves teasing the other animals along the way. When it comes to her bedding, she’s incredibly picky. She likes to fluff it up just right, and if we try to rearrange it, she lets us know—loudly!

We adore Sarah’s spunky attitude, which makes sense when you consider that pigs are known to be one of the smartest animals in the animal kingdom!


ORDER: Artiodactyla       
FAMILY: Suidae                 
GENUS: Sus                       
SPECIES: Domesticus

They are one of the smaller domestic breeds of pig, and their most prominent feature is their pot belly. They have been called mini pigs, though they can grow up to 300 lbs. In Vietnam, they are a symbol of wealth and happiness, but here, they have become an issue due to the fact that people buy pigs while they are very young. These pigs continue to grow and grow and grow which oftentimes leads to abandonment when people realize how big they really are. They are omnivores with a very sensitive sense of smell which gives them the ability to find food buried beneath the ground. This is called rooting. They are primarily raised for food in Vietnam but are pets here in the states. They should not be kept in your home but in an agricultural setting and you should be aware of the fact that their skin can burn in the sun and they require pedicures four times a year. They reach sexual maturity at the age of four months. The female goes thru 115 day gestation period and the litters can be anywhere from 1 to 15 piglets. They nurse every hour and wean at 8 weeks of age.


Human consumption and exploitation, factory farming.

Conservation Status

LC - Least Concern

@2025 Animal Tracks - designed by Tymme Reitz, Annalisa Giolo Dunker and Zina Block

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